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Delta-8 THC’s more stable cousin

March 7, 2023
Just when most people were finally understanding Delta-8 THC and becoming comfortable navigating the explosion of products that have hit the market, here comes Hexahydrocannabinol, or HHC for short.

What is HHC?

HHC, unlike THC and most other cannabinoids, is found in the male cannabis plant’s pollen. The amounts are trace, so all commercially First synthesized in the 1940’s, HHC is hydrogenated THC. Hydrogen molecules are added to Delta-8 THC, making it more shelf-stable and, some say, increasing its psychoactive properties. Hydrogenation is nothing new; this is the same process that is used to keep the oil from separating in peanut butter, improving it’s shelf life.

How does HHC compare to Delta-8?

Most users report that HHC consumed orally takes a bit longer to hit than Delta-8 and last substantially longer but with a more energetic, stimulating experience.

The most common reports of HHC use include:
  • Euphoria
  • Mild relief from pain
  • Head high
  • Body high
  • Being more talkative
  • Happiness
  • Calmness
  • Relaxation
  • Less anxiety
  • Stress Relief

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Is HHC legal?

HHC is currently legal in 38 states but these laws are always changing, so best to research the laws in your particular area. At the time of this writing, the following states have laws prohibiting the sale of HHC:
  • Washington
  • Montana
  • North Dakota
  • Idaho
  • Arizona
  • Nevada
  • Utah
  • Missis
  • Arkansas
  • Iowa
  • Illinois
  • New York

How much HHC should I take?

As with all cannabinoids, each user is going to have a unique response and that response is highly dependent on the dose and method of administration. HHC flower and vape products will provide the same rapid onset that users are used to with other delta/THC products. HHC edibles reportedly take as much as 60 to 90 minutes to kick in and last substantially longer than products that are inhaled. Most reports are consistent with HHC dosing like this:
Low Dose
10 mg – 20 mg
Medium Dose
25 mg – 50 mg
Heavy Dose
50 mg – 100 mg